The Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between Cyprus and the UAE, which was signed at 27 February 2011 has been ratified via the relevant internal procedures of both countries and is effective as of 1 January 2014, a development which further enhances Cyprus positioning as a preferred hub for international investments and tax planning. The DTAA is highly favorable and…
Five additional DTAAs signed by the Republic of Cyprus became effective as of 1 January 2014, a development which further enhances Cyprus positioning as a preferred hub for international investments and tax planning. SpainVisit our earlier publication for details: PortugalVisit our earlier publication for details: UkraineVisit our earlier publication for details: EstoniaThe DTAA signed between Cyprus and…
Αύξηση του κανονικού και μειωμένου συντελεστή ΦΠΑΑπό τις 13 Ιανουαρίου 2014, ο κανονικός και ο μειωμένος συντελεστής ΦΠΑ στην Κύπρο θα αυξηθεί από 18 % σε 19 % και από 8 % σε 9 % αντίστοιχα . Αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που υπάγονται στον μειωμένο συντελεστή ΦΠΑ 5 % και 0 % θα παραμείνουν ανεπηρέαστα από τις εξαγγελθείσες αυξήσεις . Καταγραφή…
Increase of Standard and Reduced VAT RatesAs from 13 January 2014, the standard and reduced VAT rates in Cyprus will increase from 18% to 19% and from 8% to 9% respectively. Any goods or services falling within the reduced VAT rates of 5% and 0% will remain unaffected by the announced increases. Stock countsTaxable (physical and legal) persons who hold…
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 08:54

PRISM Issue - 4th quarter 2013

The Reanda International network is pleased to bring to you the latest issue of PRISM – the quarterly tax newsletter, which is part of Reanda’s effort to stay in touch with our clients by sharing updates and insights on the recent taxation changes and current hot topics. Please click here to download a digital copy of the 4th quarter 2013…
Under the new tax legislation for IPT, the owners of immovable property situated in Cyprus must pay to the Inland Revenue Department (‘IRD’) the relevant taxation for the year 2013 based on the following percentages: Estimated value of immovable property according to prices of 1980                                                                                                                                   Percentage IPT                                €0 - €5,000 €0 €5,001 - €40,000* 0,6% €40,001 - €120,000 0,8% €120,001…
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