IntroductionFollowing the publication of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD I) on 12 July 2016, the House of Representatives voted into Cyprus Law its provisions on 5 April 2019. The three measures explained below are applicable from 1 January 2019. Additional measures based on ADAD II are expected to be voted by the House of Representatives by 1 January 2020.…
Wednesday, 22 May 2019 12:27

Annual Government Levy for the year 2019

All Cyprus registered companies are required to pay the Annual Government Levy of €350 to the Registrar of Companies by 30 June of each year. Penalties apply in case of delayed payments. Please note that the Levy is payable only through the Department’s website and through JCCsmart. If you prefer Reanda Cyprus Limited to assume responsibility for this procedure and…
Cyprus and Saudi Arabia have concluded and signed a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTTA). The treaty was confirmed and finalized in 2018 and it is effective from the 1st of March 2019. The principles of the treaty in relation to withholding taxes, amounts paid or credited and other taxes of any tax year are applicable from the 1st of January…
Monday, 04 February 2019 15:01

PRISM Tax Newsletter- 4th Quarter 2018 issue

The latest issues of PRISM – the quarterly tax newsletter, which is part of Reanda’s effort to stay in touch with our clients by sharing updates and insights on the recent taxation changes and current hot topics. Read the publication Highlights AustraliaWhistleblower Provisions for Professionals The onus is now very much on professionals to report to the relevant government authorities…
The latest issues of PRISM – the quarterly tax newsletter, which is part of Reanda’s effort to stay in touch with our clients by sharing updates and insights on the recent taxation changes and current hot topics. Read the publication Highlights AustraliaWhat is a Trust and how does it help as a structure for your business? Part II Part Two…
Εισφορά στις Κοινωνικές Ασφαλίσεις / Social Insurance Contributions H εισφορά στις κοινωνικές ασφαλίσεις, η οποία υπολογίζεται πάνω στις ασφαλιστέες αποδοχές του υπαλλήλου, αυξάνεται κατά 0,5% από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2019. Συγκεκριμένα, η εισφορά αυξάνεται τόσο για τον εργοδότη όσο και για τον υπάλληλο από 7,8% σε 8,3%. Για τους αυτοεργοδοτούμενους  η εισφορά θα αυξηθεί από 14,6% σε 15,6%. As from…
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